HOP3 enlarges its services to assist you in your carbon capture ambitions

Time to capture your carbon!

We are quite proud – within HOP3 Consulting – to broaden our catalogue of services to our industrial customers towards actual carbon emission reductions through carbon capture + U, or S…

CCUS is part of the portfolio of technological and non-technological innovations (beyond sufficiency/efficiency/renewables integration measures) we need to deploy to achieve overall carbon neutrality. It is particularly crucial for industries with a high proportion of process emissions.

The HOP3 team has a strong background in the industry, both in technical implementation and in sustainability strategic roadmapping.

HOP Capture helps you make the right choices of technologies, identify the right partners and financing opportunities… and cut your emissions in absolute terms!

We therefore support you from the development of your carbon-neutral roadmap to the implementation of your carbon capture project thanks to an integrated approach with concrete deliverables.

Contact our team to learn more about this new HOP3 activity.

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