Great success of the first Global Climate Change Forum

Great success of the first Global Climate Change Forum organised for the World Cement Association in Paris (June 2018)

On 27 & 28 June 2018, HOP³ successfully organised and moderated the first ‘Global Climate Change Forum’ on behalf of the World Cement Association (WCA).

In addition to the full organisation of this global event, HOP³ brought together an impressive panel of international experts in Climate Change from renowned organisations. Bernard Mathieu moderated 2 debates on how the global cement industry could contribute to a carbon-neutral built environment and help keep global warming “well-below 2˚C” above pre-industrial levels. The event was attended by participants from Europe, Asia, Middle East and North America and chaired by the CEO of the largest cement producer in the world, Mr Zhi Ping Song (CNBM).

During the event, Bernard presented the Draft WCA Climate Action Plan and consulted the attending stakeholders to enrich the WCA roadmap. In the months to come, we will integrate the key take-aways of the conference to finalise the Association’s Climate Action Plan. We will also establish a platform for knowledge sharing on most promising technologies to reduce CO2 emissions. We will additionally explore potential public private partnerships to help accelerate progress.

HOP3 is proud to have successfully managed the organisation of such an important and fruitful event, with a global outreach, thanks to Cecile Moreau (HOP3 Connect Leader) and Bernard Mathieu (HOP3 Managing Director).

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